Sunday, April 27, 2008

NT Thanh Minh: dang hoc lay bang tien sy, nam dau tien, nganh nghien cuu ve ung thu (Ph.D candidate in medical research; specialized in cancer)

vo missing woman doi voi em rat doc dao, khong phai doc dao so voi loai hinh kich nghe da co truoc gio o viet nam, ma la rat doc dao so voi nhung gi em da duoc xem o my trong 4 nam qua;...em hoi bi soc vi bat ngo, vi thuc su em khong nghi la mot kich ban viet boi mot phu nu viet nam lai co the tao bao ve ca noi dung va dan dung nhu vay! va lan dau tien em xem kich ma hoan toan mat di khai niem ve quan he tuoi tac giua nhan vat_dien vien...nhung di?nh nhat la kha nang dua loai hinh san khau co truyen cai luong den voi khan gia bang san khau hien dai qua ngot nhu the! khong biet ban be cung tuoi em nghi sao chu bao em di xem cai luong chac em khong di xem roi day, nhung neu ma bao cai luong giong trong the missing woman thi em xach khan goi di xem ngay a

Co gai nay xem dem dau va nhg dem sau co vu cho ban co di kha dong.Ban than co giup doan rat nhieu.Minh chi vang dem thu sau , vi fai cung ban be lai xe sang DC tham co Huong, ba xa cua anh Ton That Lap de chia se voi co.Co gai cua co , bang tuoi Minh, vua chet tre vi ung thu.Minh noi chua thay ai, biet truoc cai chet cua minh ma can dam den nhu vay

Lam xong vo, ve dua ngan fieu va nhung to bien nhan, sau khi =,-,x,:, nhan duoc $40.
Nhg vo cug vui vi nhg vi cong suc vo gia cua ban be gop vao.
Tu mot dua con vo thua nhan nay da duoc khan gia chap nhan va yeu men.

Day la tin tren mang co ban gui den cho:
Vietnamese drama debuts in New York
Writer, director Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc in "The Missing Woman" drama.
After nearly four years’ preparation, “The Missing Woman” drama by Vietnamese writer and director Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc made its premiere to an audience of hundreds at New York’s West End Theatre on April 7.
“The Missing Woman” is a story of a young Vietnamese couple. The husband is a painter who is too pre-occupied in his work to realise that his wife, a talented actress, is desperately in need of his care and recognition of what she has done for the family. When the wife suddenly leaves her family, the man searches for reasons through talking with the historical and legendary women of Vietnam who he depicts in his paintings.
The mixture of various Vietnamese stage arts in the drama, including cai luong, hat boi, cheo and poetry reciting, received a warm welcome by the US audience. A number of patrons stayed after the performance to thank the Vietnamese artists for helping them get to know more about Vietnamese theatrical arts and women.
“We are thrilled to host the premiere of The Missing Woman at our theatre. It's a rare moment for New York theatre to have a work that shows the beauty and mystery of Vietnamese culture,” Tisa Chang, director of the Pan Asian Repertory Theatre, one of the sponsors for the drama shows, said.
The drama’s cast featured Vietnamese artists Thanh Loc, Hai Phuong, My Hang and other US actors namely Thuc Hanh and Leon. It will continue performances in the West End Theatre through to April 12.
“The Missing Woman” has been performed at various theatrical festivals in Asia Pacific region and throughout the world. (VNA)



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